Humber Summit

Humber Summit

Clean and Beautiful Toronto has agreed to assist with funding for upgrading Satterly Road, part of the Humber Summit commercial area that recently joined the BIA. Following city approvals, planning and design stages, Phase 1 work on the north side of the road was completed by the end of 2012. Satterly Road, an important gateway for the adjacent neighbourhoods, provides access to the local shops that occupy the plazas to the north and south along Islington Avenue and Plunkett Road. The area faces numerous challenges that impede both  shoppers and vehicle traffic.

The community has suffered from numerous business closures, high crime and a general decline of the physical environment. In particular, Satterly Road was poorly configured for parking, pedestrian safety. Moreover, unending asphalt surfaces cover every horizontal plane. By way of this project, we are introducing additional on-street parking, reconfigured curbs and driveways, signature lighting, benches, and landscaping features to help define entrances, improve the functional components, enhancing the appearance and ‘greening up’ the boulevards. It is also hoped that the improvements in the public realm will bolster the business owners to make improvements to their respective properties. In planning the project the BIA was sensitive to the wishes of the local business community to maintain their area distinct character, enlisting local representation for their input in planning and design.