Member Information

Welcome to the free online registration for the Emery Village BIA Business Directory.

Information is protected by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

Is your business in Emery Village? If so, then let us help you put your business on the map. We will add your business information to our updated directory where anyone looking for your specific trade or specialty business will be able to find you through our website and map it with all current information. Enhancements have been made to help increase foot traffic to your front door. Register below and get noticed today!


BIAs improve their local economies through activities such as:

  • Street and sidewalk maintenance and capital improvements
  • Promotion of the BIA as a business, employment, tourist or shopping area (business directories, festivals, advertising)
  • Hosting neighbourhood festivals and events
  • Safety, security and crime prevention initiatives
  • Graffiti and poster removal services respecting building facades visible from the street
  • Strategic plans for business recruitment, market studies and capital improvements
  • Advocate on behalf of their membership as a unified voice


Registration Form

Please fill out all of the fields with as much accuracy as possible. We will contact you shortly to verify your information as necessary.

Business Member Registration