Message from the Board of Management

Dear fellow BIA Members,

Welcome to the Emery Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) website, where you will find useful information about our BIA, specifically, who we are and what our mandate is.

We are pleased to announce that our business community is flourishing. The Emery Village BIA is well on its way to becoming the leader in business improvement areas.

Wonderful things have been taking place in Emery Village. The Emery Village Board of Management Members are hard at work, continually exploring innovative ways to maximize the benefits of our collective investment in the Emery Village BIA.

In conjunction with Terraplan Landscape Architects, our Streetscape Committee has been executing our plan to beautify and upgrade our area. You may have already noticed the implementation of Emery Village street signs, benches, planters, banners and gateway signs present at major intersections.

Our Arts and Heritage Committee has also been working diligently to incorporate historical commemoration into our beautification projects. An example of this are the murals located at Weston Road and Finch Avenue, as well as the historical markers found along Weston Road, which depict the early history of Emery. 

VP Protection has their nightly mobile patrols to protect our business community, and this has been very positive, due to their presence and visibility in the area.

Our umbrella association, TABIA (Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas), is constantly monitoring developments at City Hall and working to protect the interests of BIA members across the City.

If you have any questions or concerns relating to the Emery Village BIA, please contact our office at 416.744.7242 or


Emery Village BIA Board of Management