Holiday Toy and Food Drive 2022

This Holiday Season, Emery Village BIA will be carrying on our tradition of collecting TOYS and NON-PERISHABLE FOOD ITEMS for families in need in our community. Every year many vulnerable families and children may go without food or toys for the Holidays.

Toy donations will be delivered to 31 DIVISION POLICE and food donations will be distributed to: WESTON EMERGENCY SERVICES and NORTH YORK HARVEST FOOD BANK.

This has been a difficult year for everyone, we appreciate your generosity and thank you for your contribution and participation. May the spirit of the season give rise to a healthier, prosperous and happy new year for all. We wish you, your staff and your families the best for the holiday season.

Donations will be picked up between December 5th – 7th, 2022.

Please email us at: to let us know you will participate.