AGM 2022



Emery Village BIA

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Virtual Zoom Meeting

7:00 – 9:30 PM

We invite you to join in at 6:40 to ensure your camera and microphone are in working order

Pre-Registration Link:


  1. Call meeting to Order, Land Acknowledgement Statement and Introductions
  2. Electronic meeting, recording of the meeting and voting protocols
  3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
  4. Approval of the January 11, 2022 Agenda
  5. Approval of Previous Annual General Meeting Minutes (Jan. 11/2021)
  6. 2020 Audited Financial Statements Report
  7. Appointment of Auditor (for the 2021 Audited Financial Statements)
  8. Guest Speakers:
  • The Honourable MP Judy Sgro- Humber River Black Creek
  • MPP Tom Rakocevic- Humber River Black Creek
  • Councillor Anthony Peruzza- City of Toronto-Ward 7 Humber River Black Creek
  • Steve Andrews Metrolinx Senior Project Manager – Finch West LRT
  • Adolphus Wilson- WSP Canada Inc. Consultant to Metrolinx
  1. Project Reports 2020 & Proposed 2021 Projects
    • Executive Director’s Year in Review
    • 2021 Project Reports & Proposed 2022-2023 Projects
  2. Security
  3. Proposed Program and Budget for 2022 (See over)
  4. New Business
  5. Adjournment

The purpose of this meeting is to decide on the BIA’s program and budget for 2022(see over).

This program is paid for by a special levy charged to you as well as other commercial and industrial property owners, and non-residential tenants of such properties.


With the City of Toronto Public Health Covid-19 restrictions, this year the Emery BIA Annual General Meeting will be taking place virtually on Zoom to ensure everyone’s safety.


As a member of the BIA, the best way to participate in the decision your BIA is making on your behalf is to get involved.  If you wish to obtain a copy of the complete proposed budget and audited financial statements or if you have any questions, please contact the BIA Office by email at:

In accordance with the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 19, Business Improvement Area, only members of the proposed BIA and their legal representative (proof required), are eligible to vote at the General Meeting.  No person in attendance shall have more than one vote.


All members and participants must pre-register.

Member registration and verification documents must be submitted no later than 4:00 pm on January 6th, 2022

We strongly recommend you register early and include all required documents on the pre-registration link:


Or visit our website at: and click on the AGM Pre-Registration Button on the home page.

Once registration and membership information has been verified, BIA members will receive

a complete downloadable package by email along with a link to the AGM meeting with instruction.

BIA Members are requested to log into the Zoom AGM Meeting by computer in order to be able to vote.


General Meeting Pre-Registration Procedures:

**By Registering as a voting member of the Emery Village BIA, you accept that additional verification of BIA membership is required.


To be eligible to vote, a copy of a photo identification and proof of property ownership or business tenancy will be required:

For Business Operators:

  • A business card with your name, address and position and Photo ID
  • or other proof of tenancy-(1st page of lease) and utility bill or photo ID

For Property Owners:

  • A property tax bill or other proof of ownership & Photo ID.