Over the years, Emery Village BIA has undertaken numerous city led streetscape projects that have involved structural changes to the street and its surrounding environment including the installation of walkways, pedestrian lighting, feature gardens, median plantings, sidewalk planter boxes and benches.
The Capital Improvements Master Plan sets out an exciting vision for Emery Village: Emery Village is a place for business and for people. It is a place of industry, retail, education, leisure, worship, socializing and communication. Emery Village is a reflection of its people. The Capital Improvements Master Plan outlines the steps to achieve this vision, concentrating on improving the aesthetic character and quality of the streetscape, improving the urban structure, and creating an identifiable image.
Early in its development, the City approved the Capital Works Master Plan for the Emery Village BIA which outlines the vision and objectives for community improvements. Later, an overarching Design Theme was developed along with details for the inclusion of a palette of street furniture, colours and paving patterns unique to Emery Village to create a “upscale, modern community” while at the same time commemorate and reflect the rich settlement history of the earlier village. The details and recommendations are contained in the Emery Village Streetscape Manual for Landowners (www.emeryvillagebia.ca)
As business forecasters spent the first weeks of 2011 looking for signs of economic recovery our businesses knew full well that one cannot sit around waiting for things to happen. Businesses need to kick-start the effort of enterprise. At Emery Village Business Improvement Area the agenda has been filled with projects and plans to move forward on our mission and commitment to our stakeholders.
The BIA has been a catalyst for renewal and revitalization, two key components to ensuring healthy, stable and well functioning neighbourhoods with viable businesses and viable commerce.
Streetscape Manual for Landowners
To create a distinct and identifiable image for the Emery Village BIA, colours, furniture and materials have been selected for streetscape improvements and beautifications that expresses a historic influence, with a contemporary character. The Emery Village BIA Streetscape Manual for Landowners is currently under construction – please see the APPENDIX, which will give you some information needed when planning improvements and revitalization projects to your property.
If you have any questions regarding the manual, please contact the Emery Village BIA Project Manager, Al Ruggero at 416.744.7242 or al@emeryvillagebia.ca